Category: Get Motivated!
Category: Get Motivated!

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5 Steps to Stop Spending Yourself out of Survival 13 Apps that Make Money While You Sleep 10 WEBSITES TO MAKE $100 PER DAY IN 2018 12 Highest Paying Work at Home Jobs

11 simple money habits that will help you build wealth in 2018
11 simple money habits that will help you build wealth in 2018 By Kathleen Elkins | Simple money habits that will help you build wealth in 2018 Mastering your money can come down to establishing a few smart habits. After all, “habits are the cause of wealth, poverty, happiness, sadness, stress, good relationships, bad relationships,…

Financial Freedom: What Does it Mean to You?
Freedom is the ultimate instinctive desire in a being. Conventionally, there are seven freedoms that typically form part of human society. Though, not included in the conventional list, financial freedom is perhaps the biggest modern human need. With the rise of competitive commerce and resultant surge in careerism, the need for financial freedom is felt…

Rich Bitch Readers Review
By Nicole Lapin is a woman who I’ve looked up to since I started this site. At just 30 years old, she’s been a business and financial correspondent for CNN (she was one of the youngest anchors in history), CNBC and several other major networks. You’ve likely also seen her on talk shows dishing out…

The Easy Way To Beat Loneliness
The Easy Way To Beat Loneliness By Tai Lopez Everybody has their own opinions about social media. On one side, you get people that say Facebook is the devil and it creates loneliness and depression, but on the other side, some people argue that social media brings people together from across the world and strengthens…

How I made $3700 in my first 2 months Blogging
I had been doing tons and tons of research on how to get started with blogging. A few months ago I decided to go ahead and give it a shot. My experience was absolutely phenomenal! After weeks of researching online how to get started, I finally drilled down on the niche I was going to…

13 Work at Home Jobs That Pay Up to $350 per day
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @acecashflow! Having a little side cash never hurt anyone! That’s why I’ve got to share this post with you from Woman’s Day The original post was a bit out dated so we’ve added to it in order to make it relevant for 2018 and beyond. Don’t think small of…

5 Types Of Friends That Will keep You Broke
When it comes to wealth, hanging around like minded people and friends are essential. It is said that we are the sum of the five people we hang around the most. Take a look around at your friends. Are they rich? Are they poor? Do they think big? This question might be an eyeopener for…

11 Ways I actually Earn Passive Income
Passive income was a new terminology while I was in college. I didn’t even know what it meant or where it came from. I soon figured out that it was one of the most important type of incomes that existed. It was the type of income that would soon set me free. So what exactly…

Become An Entrepreneur in 13 weeks
Become An Entrepreneur If you’ve already made a decision to become an entrepreneur we’d like to welcome you to the big thinkers club! The future will belong to the job creators and business owners. But this is more than simply being your own boss. And it’s even more than just making yourself financially free. it…